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Engine Break-In Procedure

  1. You must bleed the cooling system.  On the back of the head is a bleed screw. Back the screw out 4-5 turns then fill the radiator with coolant. You will hear air escaping the system, wait until you see coolant leaking out of the bleed screw. Tighten bleed screw.  Then continue to fill the radiator until full.  
  2. Fill the engine with oil. Make sure to use break-in oil that is high in zinc.  All your major brands make a version of engine break-in oil. Amsoil, Royal Purple, etc..  This will help to ensure your piston rings seat properly. 
  3. Start your engine leaving the radiator cap off and then back that bleed screw out a few turns to make sure you have a steady stream of coolant coming out. Tighten it back up. Top of the Radiator. Replace Cap.
  4. Bring up to operating temperature. Varying the throttle between 1000-4000 rpm. Don't just let it idle. 
  5. Once up to operating temperature shut off the engine.  Let the engine cool down completely. 
  6. New check all the fluids. Top off where necessary. 
  7. Open the bleed screw and make sure you have coolant coming out and no more air. Some systems with heaters will have to do this multiple times. 
  8. Start the machine up and drive it around gently varying throttle and bringing the machine up to temperature.  This will be considered your second heat cycle. Shut it down and let cool completely down.
  9. Repeat Steps 6-7.  You should now be good to go.  
  10. Always remember to keep and eye on your engine oil and coolant for the first 200 miles.  Some engine oil consumption is normal.  If you fell it is extreme or have any other question give us a call. 

Run break-in engine oil for the first 20 hours of easy to moderate use. After you initial 20 hrs. of break-in

switch over to your normal engine oil.  Full Synthentic Amsoil, Royal Purple, Lucas, Polaris, etc..

If at anytime during your break-in period your engine oil seems to break-down or become discolored you may need to go ahead and change your oil sooner than later.

And again, if you have any questions or concerns please give us a call.  541-717-4224